Hamilton Connections Spotlight | Sherese Martin

One of the best things about living in Hamilton County is the diversity, not only of the people and cultures but also in the wide variety of activities residents can find to do. A few of my fellow HCLA alumni have shared some of their favorite places and activities...

Hamilton Connections Spotlight | Brian Heaton

I often get asked if our family is planning to take any summer vacations. We travel plenty during other times of the year, but typically we don’t stray far from Hamilton County in the summer because there is just so much to do here that we enjoy. Atop that list, there...

Hamilton Connections Spotlight | Lindsay McGuire

Have you heard of the Fishers AgriPark?  I have probably asked this question about 100 times in the last year alone. You can ask any of my friends, coworkers, and local colleagues: I am obsessed with the AgriPark. Located off 113th Street and Florida Road, the...

Hamilton Connections Spotlight | Adriann Young

Living in Noblesville has been such a happy accident in my life.  I did not grow up in this community, but I jokingly tell everyone I married into it. My husband and both sides of his family have been a part of the Noblesville community for multiple generations. I...