Hamilton Connections Spotlight | Lindsay McGuire

Have you heard of the Fishers AgriPark?  I have probably asked this question about 100 times in the last year alone. You can ask any of my friends, coworkers, and local colleagues: I am obsessed with the AgriPark. Located off 113th Street and Florida Road, the...

Hamilton Connections Spotlight | Adriann Young

Living in Noblesville has been such a happy accident in my life.  I did not grow up in this community, but I jokingly tell everyone I married into it. My husband and both sides of his family have been a part of the Noblesville community for multiple generations. I...

Class of 2023 Spotlight | Agriculture Class Day

After marrying into a family with connections to two multi-generational family farms in Indiana, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what agriculture was “really like” in our state. However, my most recent HCLA day focused on agriculture, and I learned so much more...